The Smile Problems That Orthodontics Can Treat

Your lower and upper jaws’ teeth should fit together neatly. Otherwise, it could increase your risk of developing bite issues, gum disease, and tooth decay. The area of orthodontics is focused on diagnosing and correcting jaw and teeth alignment issues with the use of orthodontic appliances like braces and aligners.

A thorough evaluation with one of our orthodontists, Dr. Gary Wiest or Dr. Kevin Wiest of Provo Dental in Provo, UT, can accurately determine if you require orthodontics. In the meantime, below are common examples when orthodontic treatment is usually recommended.

When is Orthodontics Recommended?

In general, dentists typically recommend orthodontic treatment for people with overlapping, crowded, and crooked teeth since these can lead to a host of issues such as:

  • Gum Injury: If a tooth does not fit into its opposite jaw snugly, it might cause gum injury because it will repeatedly dig into your gum.
  • Gum Disease and Tooth Decay: Crowded and overlapping teeth could be more difficult to clean and consequently result in gum disease and decay.
  • Premature Wear and Tear: Chewing can gradually wear down teeth that don’t fit properly.

Take note that orthodontic treatment is commonly done when all of the person’s permanent teeth have come in or erupted, which is between 11 and 13 years of age, but some people can start treatment earlier or later on when they’re adults. So it’s best to consult with your orthodontist in Provo, UT, to determine the best time for orthodontics.

Specific Problems That Orthodontics Can Treat

Protruded Teeth

This occurs when the lower jaw is placed further back than the upper jaw. When your teeth fit nicely together, you’d see your upper teeth placed on your lower lip’s inside portion, otherwise, you have protruded teeth. If you have protruded teeth, you have an elevated risk of tooth loss or damage from accidents. You may likewise have eating and/or speech issues. Lots of people also opt to treat protruded teeth, not only for functional purposes but for aesthetic reasons as well.


When you have an underbite, your bottom jaw will protrude more forward than usual. When you fit your teeth, you’ll find that your bottom front teeth will rest in front, instead of behind, your upper front teeth.

Excessive Overbite

When your top teeth sit over your bottom teeth more forward than usual, you have an excessive overbite.

Crowded Teeth

This occurs when there isn’t sufficient space for your teeth in your jaw, causing them to overlap. This could be a result of a small jaw, huge teeth, or both.

Interested in Orthodontics? Give Us a Call

Arrange your appointment with Dr. Gary Wiest or Dr. Kevin Wiest here at Provo Dental in Provo, UT, by dialing (801) 374-8205.

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