FAQs about Conebeam 3D X-Rays

This 3D x-ray provides helpful and precise information about your oral health.

Whenever you set foot in our office, the goal of our Provo, UT, dentist Dr. Gary Wiest is to make sure you get the thorough dental care you Dental-X-Rayneed to make sure that everything is healthy and working as it should be.

Even if you aren’t experiencing problems it’s still important for us to keep tabs on everything from your teeth and gums to your jawbone and sinuses. After all, they are all interconnected, and one issue could lead to further problems down the road. One way in which we thoroughly evaluate your oral health is by performing imaging tests with our conebeam 3D x-rays.

What is the conebeam 3D x-ray?

This state-of-the-art imaging technology allows our Provo, UT, general dentists to be able to capture 3D, high-resolution images of your oral and facial cavities to detect and diagnose certain issues early on when they are easier to treat.

What parts of the mouth and face can this CT scan show?

The conebeam is ideal because it not only allows us to check your teeth, gum tissue and jawbone to make sure everything is healthy but it also allows us to examine the sinuses, nasal cavity and facial nerves.

What makes the conebeam CT different from other dental x-ray scans?

Traditional dental scans are only able to create 2D images of your mouth while the advanced technology in our conebeam 3D X-Rays allows us to produce amazing 3D images of your mouth and face for a more precise and accurate visualization. It can also make it easier to diagnose certain problems.

What is the conebeam designed to diagnose?

This CT scan helps us diagnose issues such as TMJ disorder, jaw problems, tumors and growths, and sleep apnea. It’s designed to detect problems that may not cause symptoms or may go unnoticed through a physical examination alone. It can also be used to assist in creating effective orthodontic treatment plans, determining the placement of a dental implant or making sure your root canal treatment is effective.


If you suspect that you may be dealing with TMJ disorder, sleep apnea, or other dental problems in Provo, UT, our dentist Provo Dental can help. Our conebeam 3D X-Rays will be able to detect any issues right away.

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